Glens Falls Website Design offers you a source for an entry level website at affordable pricing.
You know you can’t put it off forever. You have to take the plunge and hire someone to build you a website. If you’ve been shopping around, you already know how website pricing can vary tremendously. We at Glens Falls Website Design want to offer an entry level website for those people and / or businesses that don’t need the latest outrageously techno-slick web design and gee-gaws.
If you’ve been in business a while, you remember how important it was to be in the yellow pages of your local phone book. Some of you may wonder “Why can’t I simply employ a web designer to build me a custom website that harkens back to a display ad in the good ole business pages of the phone book?”
I don’t really need to have an ad on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., etc. I don’t necessarily need a photo gallery or expensive SEO (search engine optimization). I merely want a single “About Me” page and perhaps a “Contact” page. I just know I need a website but I’m not convinced I need all the extras. I simply want a dot com for my delivery truck, business cards, email and letterheads. That way I can at least refer a customer to my web page for more information.
So, if that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. We have an uncomplicated, customizable website theme that we use for just that purpose. You could say we have it down to a science. Less time spent on our part equates to less impact on your wallet. Your site will still be unique, colorful, upgradable, solid and secure. It will also be built on a sturdy platform that can be expanded upon down the road if your needs change. But, most of all, it won’t break the bank. If you want to add more to your new website, well, we can do that to. Contact us today and capture your web fantasy.